Asalamulaikum guys..I'm Nurul Nadiatul Balqis Binti Mat Nasir and i'm continue my study at UiTM Dungun in Office Management course or all the student called as BA118

The purpose that i do this blog is to show you guys what UED 102 subject is..okay so let's start

                     MODULE 1 : LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY

*What is Learning Style Inventory*

Learning style inventories are designed to help respondents determine which learning style they have. These inventories typically take the form of a questionnaire that focuses on how people prefer to learn. Respondents choose the answers that most closely resemble their own preferences.

What your learning style?
Do you know it?
How to know it?

If you want to know your learning style you can search the question sheet at google 

And this is example of mine that my lecture gave to me at UED 102 class



personal statement, also known as a “statement of purpose” or “goal statement,” is a document that demonstrates your writing ability on a more personal level for your application into a graduate program.

What your goal in your life?
How to achieve it?

Let's follow the steps below

And this is my goals statement

   I really hope that i can achieve my goal..you guys pray for me okay


As a full time student in UiTM..i need to fill all my schedule included holiday

That my schedule

                       MODULE 4 : JOB TASK ANALYSIS

Job Task Analysis is surveys are used to analyze what tasks within a job role are most important. They are often used to construct and validate certification programs, to ensure that the questions being asked are relevant to the job.

Example of my notes

                   MODULE 5 : PRIORITIZED TO- DO LIST  

Six Methods for Prioritizing Your Tasks

  • Use a priority matrix. ...
  • Use relative prioritization. ...
  • 3. Make a prioritized task list for today. ...
  • Focus on your Most Important Tasks (MITs) ...
  • Pick a single thing to focus on. ...
  • Find your 20% task.

This is all module that i learn for the first UED 102 class..see you guys next time

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